Defender Wing
Basic info

First appearance: Star Wars X-Wing Rogue Squadron


Defender Wing was a bomber wing of the New Republic Defense Force. Formed in 6 ABY, Defender Wing was composed of three BTL-S3 Y-wing squadrons under the command of General Horton Salm. General Salm trained Champion, Guardian, and Warden Squadrons on Folor alongside the reformed Rogue Squadron, which Salm was charged with overseeing. A rivalry developed between Salm's green pilots and Wedge Antilles's aces after their embarrassing defeat by the Rogues during a training exercise. To add insult to injury, the Rogues arranged for their new squadron crest to be displayed on the Y-wings main display when they were "shot down." This was later made up for when the Rogue Squadron quartermaster, Emtrey, delivered a gross of new flight suits to Defender Wing. Two weeks after the exercise, the wing was made fully operational by Admiral Ackbar.

Known members or units

Guardian Squadron (Defender Wing)
Warden Squadron (Defender Wing)

Related organizations, units, characters and technologies

Salm, Horton

Last updated: 30.03.2021 22:08:49